Sunday, September 21, 2008

Leadership Limbo at Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) in Denpasar

Bali's national art institute, the Indonesian Arts Institute ISI, is apparently in turmoil after a dispute over who should serve as the rector of the school. I heard that students have barricaded the offices and are boycotting classes. I have only been able to find these two articles in the Jakarta Post about the struggle for the top position of the school.

"Rai re-elected despite mass opposition," by Dicky Christanto, The Jakarta Post, 8/27/2008
"ISI dispute to go to the minister," by Dicky Christanto, The Jakarta Post, 9/2/2008

In the first article it mentions that student protests included a performance of the comic shadow theater, Wayang Cenk Blonk. I am not totally clear on the meaning of "cenk blonk" as opposed to the term Wayang Kulit, which means literally "shadow" (wayang) "leather" (kulit). In the book Balinese Dance, Drama, and Music: A Guide to the Performing Arts of Bali by I Wayan Dibia and Rucina Ballinger they write about "Wayang Cengblong" which "is an anachronism for Nang Klenceng and Nang Eblong, the names of two clowns prominently featured . . ." and that there "is much more joking than in a regular Wayang show. " (p. 50). Can anyone enlighten me if these are one and the same?

There are lots of YouTube clips of Wayang Cenk Blonk, but none when I searched "Chengblong." Maybe the spelling has changed . . . Here is one of the videos I found:


Soemantri Widagdo said...

Wayang Ceng Blong or Cenk Blonk is one and the same. The latter is the English spelling of the former. Your description given by I Wayan Dibya is accurate.


P.S. We met at a dinner organized by John Hardy in July 2008. I was in Bali for the 50th Anniversary of the Puri Lukisan Museum.

Soemantri Widagdo said...

The Ceng Blong or Cenk Blonk is one and the same. The latter is the English spelling of the former.


PS. We met at the dinner hosted by John Hardy in July 2008.

Deborah Clearwaters said...

Hello Soemantri! Thank you for your post and clarification. I do remember meeting you. I hope you are well. Deb